March 12, 2012

Take What You Need

I find there is great value in giving a child a transitional item that bridges the work we do in the play therapy room to home, school and other settings. I've recently begun making some transitional items that are gaining positive feedback from both children and their caregivers. They're also affordable and easy to make.

I draw these free-handed, copy onto colored card stock and hang them on the bulletin board in my office waiting room. A parent and child often engage in a brief discussing over which tabs they will tear off and take with them when they leave my office. I've encouraged parents to make these and use them at home. And since I believe strongly in doing the things I encourage my clients to do I too am tearing off these tabs and putting them in my car, on my mirror, etc. as a reminder of what I need to be an emotionally healthy person.

DISCLAIMER:  I need to mention that these are not my original ideas. If I knew the originator I would give them credit and thanks for a simple concept that has a powerful I have stumbled upon variations of these on the internet and found this simple idea to have a powerful impact. 

Are you using this idea or plan to use it? I'd welcome your feedback on how you've adapted it to your setting and how it's been received.

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